Well, so much for avenging bad losses by playing with fire and intensity! In a game that started off with such promise -- good jump, sharp passing, sustained O-zone pressure AND the all-important first goal -- the Thrashers played the second two periods like they w
ere hung-over from drinking too many of these delicious beverages the night before. The lackluster effort put forth by the burgundy-clad Thrashers gave me the kind of headache I used to get from trying to drink this crappy beer. Too many forced passes, ill-timed decisions with the puck and too little intensity until it was too late. Without any late third period or last minute heroics, the Thrashers can definitely drive one to drink a few too many brews. And by the way, if the game didn't give you enough of a headache, then go ahead and drink 3 Molson Ice beers as they will certainly remind you of how poorly the Thrashers played for the last 40 minutes of this game.

Before I get back to packing for my trip to south Florida and the white sandy beaches of beautiful Longboat Key (near Sarasota), let me give a gracious tip of the, ahem (what else?), hat to Cornell Big Red alumnus, Matt Moulson, who schooled Ilya Kovalchuk and his Russian linemates for 2 of his 3 goals at even strength. Perhaps he will be drinking the more stout cousin to this lousy "ice" lager, Triple X. Go ahead Matty, you earned every drop of potent Canadian beer you can stomach!! And if Kovy keeps playing such uninspired defense whereby he coasts around like he's in a recreational beer league, I think I may just have to go back to smuggling in the hard, brown stuff to cope with the results! (Game Photo Courtesy of Scott Cunnigham, Getty Images)
1 comment:
Finally somebody used a reference to a good Molson beer instead of that nasty Molson Golden that everybody else is invoking. That shit is rancid moose piss.
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