To be perfectly honest, I don't really have the right words to do justice to Chris Mason and the superlative performance he turned in earlier tonite as the winning goalie of record in Sonrise, FL. I'm still shaking my head -- no, "I am trapped in a glass case of emotion!" -- over the fact that the Thrashers were outplayed in every facet of the game save for the one position capable of atoning for an entire team's sins of commission (and omission). And Thrashers' netminder Chris Mason did it in larcenous fashion, stopping a (Joel Auerbach, Getty Images) whopping 52 of 55 shots on goal to lead his team to victory over feisty divisional foe Florida. So instead of trying to be creative with flowery prose, how about some music of "FreeMASONry" to capture the emotion of the moment? Yes, let it be so:
My musings about the PGA Tour, my love affair with golf and my ongoing struggle to perfect a lumbar-friendly, high fade. Not like I can hit a high draw so what choice do I really have?
I'm BAAACK, and I've got something real funky for you! Well, that is if you like GOLF!!
Hockey in the ATL is dead! RIP Thrashers. Time to move on. This blog will now pertain (primarily) to the game of golf, the PGA Tour, personal golfing triumphs (and failures) along with the occasional entry about the following: sports in Atlanta, the city's restaurant scene, and just life in general.
Golf is a lifelong journey. Sometimes "you're da man" and others your slammin' your ass on some slippery rocks!!
"Golf on the rocks, ain't no big surprise...just pour me a drink, while I go improve my lie." -- hat tip to the legendary Neil Diamond, who sadly doesn't golf, a pity.
Fan-Blogging Trail Blazers, THE Blueland Chronicle Gang
Life is GOOD, and a bit blurry, perched high-atop the ice in their "by invitation only" balcony
Tobias Enstrom Shatters Team Record for Points by a D-man w/ 50 in 3rd Full Campaign
Diminutive D-man is anything but when it comes to dishing the puck; Toby now holds franchise record for scoring by a defenseman with 120 career points and counting.
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