What better way to re-enter the blogging fray than with a haphazardly Ricky "Kyle" Barnes imrpovised rap diddy almost as lame and foolhardy as the not-so-smooth, free-stylin' non-sense Kris Versteeg was "rapping" during Chicago's downtown Cup celebration fiesta?? Here's a link to the madness. Sorry, but I'm too lazy to embed the sucker.
Yes, it has been quite a long time since I have updated this passion-filled hockey journal with a new entry. And for that I apologize. But much like Ricky Barnes' golf game tends to break down under the pressure of Sunday title contention, I felt my lust for generating "incisive" and flowery prose ebbing away ever so ungently as the long-grinding march to hopelessness (the quest for the Stanley Cup playoffs that is) seemed to take its toll on my creative will.
But just like the unexpected return to prominence of Ricky Barnes -- who wandered forlornly for years and years through the forest of golfing despair -- I too have returned with a renewed zest and vigor to bring you consistent and compelling blogging content, mostly about the Thrashers, but also about things as inane and ridiculous as Ricky Barnes' fashion sense. Actually, I LOVE those pants!!!
So what in God's name does Ricky Barnes and his cutting-edge-of-fashion trousers have to do with the Thrashers?! ABSOLUTELY FREAKING NOTHING!!!! But they are resplendent, no?
What prompted me to get off my lazy duff and finally return to the oh-so-arduous (tongue in cheek warning) task of blogging was a very well-written and thought-provoking essay on the merits of press credentials for those of us who care enough to express our passion for all things Thrashers in a neat and tidy thing known as a blog. What a terrible word to use for something that captures one's penetrating insights and fanciful expressions of prose? But I digress.
Here is a link to Rawhide's blog-post about the potential role of blogs and internet-based media to plug the sometimes gaping hole in hockey coverage vis a vis newspapers and such:
Other than that, not much has been going on of late with respect to your Thrashers. But now that the Blackhawks have claimed Lord Stanley's most prized chalice of hockey lore, the Thrashers new GM (the ever-magnetic Pimp of Puckdom), Rick Dudley may finally finish his earnest his pursuit of a new bench boss by interviewing 'Hawks Assistant Coach and erstwhile pupil and mentee of Dudley, John Torchetti. Whether he wants the job remains to be seen, but should he scoff at Dudley's overtures of employment, Craig "The Rammer" Ramsay should be there to save the day at the behest of his former teammate and long-time friend.
While that is going on, I shall leave you with this: a picture of the first player to realize that the Thrashers are on the cusp of hockey greatness, Jimmy "Skandalous" Slater, who was kind enough to pose for this snapshot last January during the Casino Night festivities. Welcome back Jimmah! We look forward to watching your skandalous skating exlploits for the next couple of years and hopefully thensome. Thanks for the love man.
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