Paint this here little feller blue and white, or just blue where he's not black, and you've got a scary new mascot that will freeze our foes with fear! I give unto you the...

Not only is this Georgia's first cross-polinated hybrid zebra-donkey, it apparently resides right up the road in the cutting-edge town of Dahlonega! Behold this creature's utterly "zedonk"- ulous appearance!!
Now let's go out there on the ice and kick some (Z)ASS!!!
I am getting sick and damn tired of "That's the hockey way!"...WTF's that supposed to mean??? On the other hand, what the Hawks were stuck with ("Now you know") was 20 times worse...The marketing/PR person who came up with those should be turned into a Midtown speedbump.
Hell, I say changes the team name to the Atlanta Zebronkeys.
Wayne, if work ever slows down for me and/or I get time on a weekend I plan a long article on Thrashers' media failures and a plea for a whole new direction.
Speaker- When did you sneak in to Big Shooter's "Island of Ethan Moreau" complex in Dahlonega to get those pictures?
THRASHERS: "That's The Hockey Way". WTF?
HAWKS: "Now You Know". See THRASHERS.
FALCONS: "Rise Up." Excuse me, wasn't that the slogan for LeBron and the Cavaliers?
BRAVES: "This Is Braves Country". Do you know how many teams use "______ Country"?
Atlanta pro sports marketing and advertising is so fucking lazy and unoriginal.
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