Friday, July 23, 2010

Today I'm Feelin' Daffy...Say, Let's Bring Back Billy Jaffe!!

Yeah, because he's a bad-ass color commentator who was a splendid complementary piece to Dan Kamal on Thrashers' radio broadcasts way back in the day. But then again, I doubt he wants to go back to radio. I would not be surprised if Versus chooses to give Jaffe platoon duty with Bill Patrick on their studio show to exchange barbs with Jonesy and Engblom. Anyway, per usual, the Islanders make yet another daffy is just so Wang (that's 'wrong' in Chinese of course) to do Billy like that. No doubt B. Jaffe will land on his feet.


Wayne stuck in AL said...

While we're on the subject, why don't we dump Matt (AmbienCR) McConnell and bring back Ken Double (who used to do the Knights games), unless Double's concert-organ career is really taking off...

j_barty_party said...

Ha! Suits me just fine! Even though I know nothing about Double. Before my time as a Thrash fan. But I'll take your word for it. McConnell is starting to sound a bit redundant with his "to the net" and "carom" frequency!

Thanks for dropping by. Don't be a stranger!

Anonymous said...

I nominate Kathy Griffin; imagine the color commentary she'd bring to the radio show?!?!?! "ATLANTA!!! HOW THE HELL ARE YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA??????????? WHERE'S MY GAYS?!"

Mortimer Peacock said...

Kathy Griffin and Anderson Cooper or GTFO.

Wayne stuck in AL said...

At least Natalie Taylor will be gone.

j_barty_party said...

Wayne - TRUE. Please hire somebody competent, or noone at all. Just let DE do it from the box.